News and Events

Last Minute Update from Treasury: PPP Loans – Safe Harbor Clarification

Many small businesses have been waiting for clarification of the announcement two weeks ago by Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, that the Small Business Administration (SBA) would review any Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans made in amounts exceeding $2 million. Additionally, that announcement stated that all businesses must certify their need for the funds.    Just […]

Do You Qualify for These COVID-19 Tax Credits?

Your business might not have received a government loan but could still benefit from assistance due to the impact of COVID-19.  Qualifying businesses affected by COVID-19 may be eligible to receive these tax credits.  The Employee Retention Credit provides a 50% credit of up to $10,000 in wages.  The Paid Sick Leave and the Family […]

Respond by Wednesday for a Quicker Delivery of Your Stimulus Payment

Are you still waiting to receive your Economic Impact Payment? The Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are strongly encouraging people to visit the Get My Payment site by noon Wednesday, May 13 to help speed up the process for delivery of this payment to you.   Please visit the IRS News page to read […]

IRS Issues PPP Loan Expense Guidance

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was designed to aid small businesses with loans to continue payroll and cover some overhead costs during the COVID-19 crisis. If a small business uses the loan monies for eligible expenses, all or part of the loan can be forgiven, which is quite an alluring facet.    On April 30, 2020, […]

New SBA Guidance PPP Qualification – Deadline for Payback is May 7, 2020

Recently, the SBA updated its Frequently Asked Questions Document to add FAQ 31. The new FAQ provides much-needed clarity regarding program qualifications specific to businesses with access to other sources of liquidity to support their ongoing operations. Any business that received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan prior to the issuance of this new guidance […]

Updates to the IRS Get My Payment Site

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has recently updated the online tool to track information regarding stimulus checks and direct deposits. Potential recipients can go online at and click on the link “ Get My Payment ” for updated information concerning stimulus benefits. Taxpayers will need their social security number, date of birth, and mailing address on […]

Payroll Protection Program Round 2

Congress passed $310 billion of additional funding with the second round of Payroll Protection Program (PPP) monies for small businesses. The Small Business Administration (SBA) resumed funding on Monday, April 27, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. EDT. The entire package totaled $484 billion with an additional $310 billion of funding for the PPP. The first round of $349 billion […]

IRS Launches Website for Tracking Stimulus Payments

Once again, you checked your bank account online, and you didn’t see a deposit for your stimulus payment. Now what? The Internal Revenue Service recently launched a website where you can check the estimated arrival date of your payment. Please click here to track your payment at “Get My Payment.” Source: Internal Revenue Service

Update Regarding MSA: Tax Deadlines, New Legislation and COVID-19

We are still working, but we remain closed to the public. What does that mean? We are working in the office with a limited staff while a majority of our staff are working remotely.  We are diligently trying to make sure that everyone is receiving any feedback they need regarding questions, etc. related to the […]

Welcome to the MSA Team Lutchia and Kang!

Lutchia has a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Gardner Webb and a Master’s in Psychology with a concentration in Industrial-Organizational from the University of Phoenix.  She comes to us from Transportation Insight where she served as a Processing Analyst almost 7 years.  Lutchia and her two sons live in Morganton. Lyrek age 19 currently attends NCCU pursing […]