News and Events
IRS Increases 401(k) Limits for 2023
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced the 2023 cost-of-living adjustments affecting dollar limitations for 401(k) plans, pension plans and other retirement-related items. Those who participate in 401(k) plans can contribute up to $22,500, others who are age 50 and older, can also take advantage of the “Catch-Up” contribution of an additional $7,500, for a […]
IRS Takes Aim at Significant Employee Retention Tax Credit Fraud
The IRS recently began reviewing whether claims for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) were made by taxpayers who truly qualified. In fact, as cited in an article last week by Bloomberg Tax, the IRS has already flagged 11,096 claims, totaling more than $2 trillion, as suspicious. In addition, the IRS has issued warnings about third-party businesses and […]
Employees Participate in Walk to End Alzheimer’s
On Saturday, October 29, a group of MSA employees joined many others at L.P. Frans Stadium for the annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s event. This is the eighth year in a row that MSA employees have participated in this fundraiser that is held in more than 600 communities nationwide. The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is one of […]
MSA Pumpkin Decorating Contest
For Halloween, MSA hosted a decorated pumpkin contest for employees. Winners are listed below:: Erica Brown came in 3rd place with Pinocchio. Morgan Coley was a close 2nd with the Duck. Julie Church brought home 1st place with her creation of Cinderella. What a creative group of employees and fun event!
MSA Receives Best Employers in NC Award
We are excited to share that we have been named as a Best Employers in North Carolina for 2022 among medium-sized companies in this statewide survey and awards program. Business North Carolina worked with DataJoe market research company to survey employers and employees throughout the state through topics such as engagement, leadership, training, organizational health, work-life balance, pay, benefits, […]
MSA Employees Run Local Races
Employees enjoyed amazing weather to run the Baker’s Dozen 5K that was held in Newton this fall. Congratulations to Greg, Kelly, Cameron and Morgan! We would like to say a special congratulations to Cameron for receiving a 2nd place medal in the 20 – 29 male division! Erica Brown participated in the Hunger Walk 5K […]
Have You Received a Notice of Change in Filing Frequency From the NCDOR?
On October 5, 2022, the North Carolina Department of Revenue (NCDOR) began mailing a Notice of Change in Filing Frequency – Income Tax Withholding to affected taxpayers. If you received this notice, beginning January 1, 2023, you must begin filing and paying North Carolina income tax withholding in accordance with the new filing frequency assigned to you. This notice […]
Deadline Approaching for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Applications – 10/31/22
Are you a public service employee? If so, you may qualify for expanded student loan debt forgiveness. PSLF workers are those who have worked for nonprofits, in the military, or federal, state, tribal, or local governments. The special relief requires PSLF workers to have 10 years of public service and to have made 120 monthly payments. There may be […]
Have You Received an IRS CP2100 or CP2100A Notice?
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is issuing CP2100 & CP2100A notices that alert employers of errors and discrepancies that may require backup withholding from future payments. If you have changed your business address, be sure to alert the agency. Click here to update your address or here to read about about what to do when you […]
What NC Companies Need to Know About ITIN Contractors
ITIN Contractors – What NC Companies Need to Know to Minimize Risk Do you have contractors you are paying to perform services in your business that have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) assigned to them by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)? Are you withholding the required 4% North Carolina (NC) taxes on their payments for […]